31 Ağustos 2008 Pazar

Conditional conjuctions

Unless I watch the match, I won't talk about it yesterday.
Unless You walk everday, you can't lose weigth.
Unless I prepair the meal, I won't say anything to them for this.

I can lend my guitar on the condition that you carry carefully.
I take my İELTS on the condition that I work hard.,

You'll stay here as long as you don't talk a lot.
You'll pass your exams so long as you work hard.

Suppose that You passed the exam, What would you do?
Supposing that You lend your var, What could they do?

I'll give your books back provided that you give my books.
I'll shout the door providing that you say me please.

If only I pass my exams.
If only I win a £ 1 million.
If only I dind't shout at them.
If only I hadn't lent your book to him.

Even If it rains, we'll go to the football match.
Even If he comes, I won't open the door.
Even If you see me, I you won't say this to him.

We'll go to the picnic whether or not it rains.
I'm going to the party whether he let or not.
I'm going to marrie whether he wants or not.

Hurry up otherwise We'll be late.
You drive carrefully otherwise we'll crash
You go to the barber or else They won't accept you for this job.

If it weren't for your help, I'd be get divorced with my wife.
If it weren't for you, I'd be died now.
If it weren't for her friend, we'd be a go out.

If it hadn't been for his aunt, I wouldn't have been late at home.
If it hadn't been for him, I would have been get married to lier.

If you come with me,I'll be ok. If not I'll be cry.
He won't want to come to the party, If so I won't come to.
We'll go to gether If not Nobody go there.
She won't come for you, If so you won't wait her.

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